Seasons of Me!

"A glimpse into the life of a birder, beach comber, self taught naturalist, an antique dealer, and junker! There are many seasons that happen here!"

Friday, February 5, 2010

Linus Rocks

That is what we call them! They are named after the designer, our neighbor down the road, named, of course, Linus. He really is artistic and very much a loner. When we started landscaping our yard we had a pile of sandstone rocks sitting out back. No one would ever miss one or two, or more... Until one by one they started showing up in odd places in our yard with creatures carved into them! One day I just happened to look out the window and seen this sandstone rock sitting on my front porch. It was carved to look like a frog. I have to wonder how long it had been sitting there before I even noticed it was there.
Another day an elephant showed up...then a cat...and then the Easter Island head. That is what it reminds me of!

Linus would find time on his hands, come up and examine the rock pile, pick a few out, and carve his imagination into them...with nothing more than a hammer and nail.

This is not new to Linus. My mother-in-law still has one in her flower bed with a face carved into it. She has had it up there for more than 30 years.
Years from now someone will find these rocks and think of them as a great archalogical find!

They are definitely one of a kinds and they definitely have character!


  1. Alright, I was so enjoying catching up on your blog then I came to this post. I am down right jealous of these carvings. What a wonderful treat. You are mightly blessed with such a talented friend/neighbor.

  2. I have so enjoyed getting to know you this morning.
    We ARE kindred spirits. I love your birding and bugs and Ocean time.....
    Your photographs are amazing too.
